Wednesday, March 7, 2012

God's Word...and Bees?

The windows are open, and there is a wonderful breeze blowing through the house. The sun is shining, and since we didn't have much of a freeze this past winter, the bees are enjoying the nicer weather, too. Oh, how i prayed and prayed for a deep freeze this winter. I wasn't asking for snow, mind you, but about five days of 20 degrees would have been enough, I think to kill the wasps who took up residence in my yard last summer. But, such was not to be.

This morning's Bible lesson was in Matthew 14 about Jesus walking on the water. My girls and I talked about how brave Peter had to have been to just step out of the ship and trust that Jesus would let him walk on water. My 6-year-old said she didn't think she would be that brave. I asked her if she would be brave, if she knew Jesus would help her. I asked if she believed that Jesus could make her walk on water. She said she trusted him, but she still wasn't about to try it. lol Kids are funny.

My 4-year-old is so afraid of bees and anything that flies, it is becoming a might ridiculous. She screams bloody murder, and runs to the highest point she can get to. The other day when she saw a bee crawling on the floor, I had to get my sighted sister to come over and reassure her there was no bee, before she would come down off the kitchen table. Then, it took an hour or more to get her walk through the house without being escorted by me or her older sister. Today, there were 2 bee sightings on the front screen door, and the 4-year-old is leary of the living room. Honestly, y'all I don't know what I'm going to do! I can't see good enough to kill them myself. And, I have a healthy fear of them, too. I was stung quite a few times as a kid and know full-well how it feels. I am of the firm opinion, if I sit still and leave the bee alone, it won't bother me. If I could see, then the other day, I would have stamped on the bee with my shoes on, insuring its immediate demise. But, how can you kill with one shot, when you can't even see the goofy thing? I can't call the man of the place to come home from work every time my girls see a bee. I can't hire a full-time bee watcher. lol So, what do I do? Anyone?

Well, since y'all don't know either, I've come up with a solution that might work. I'm praying about it. If Jesus can walk on the water, He surely can take care of my bee problem. He expects us to trust Him with everything. We're supposed to trust Him with our finances, our sicknesses, our lost loved-ones, our peers at work, our bosses, our marriages, our church, so why not bees? Here's my prayer. Ahem. "Lord, I can't see those bees. Now, you created them to do something very important, and that does not include stinging me or my kids. So, Lord, bless the bee and give them a desire to go about their business outside my house. Bless my windows and doorways to be bee free. Make those things way too scared of us. Please, Lord, help Kierstin with her fear. Lord, your word says to be not afraid, so help her to not be afraid. And, Lord, help me not to be afraid, either." :) Y'all think that will do it?

I know y'all got used to me writing about writing on Wednesdays, but except for this blog and the first grade journal i keep for Faith's school work, I haven't been writing. I want to write, but I can't seem to find the time these days. Of course, I'm not trying to make time for it. I'm concentrating on school work. we're nearing the end of the school year, which means I have to make sure I have enough in Faith's portfolio to show progress. I want her to go on to 2nd grade, after all. I feel good about taking some time off from writing though. I've been reading some and thinking some, and reading blogs about writing, so when the time is right, I'll write. :)

I was asked last night and this morning if I plan to do any baking, some time soon, so I reckon I'll be doing some of that, shortly. When I do, I'll post entries on here about it. Can't promise when I'll post again, but it will be soon. And, don't forget, if you have a question, ask me. I'll be glad to answer anything I can. You can comment here, or on Facebook, or drop me an email at

So have a wonderful Wednesday, y'all and thanks for being a faithful reader. It really means a lot.

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