far from me. I'm going to post her name, book's title and all that pertenant
info on my website soon, so keep checking for updates. Anyway, this is a
picture that my husband took at my first real book signing. It was held at
the Christian Family Book Shoppe in Smithers, WV on July 18. I was there
with Fran, the lady beside me and two other authors. I'm sorry, but I just
can't remember their names. All four of us sat at tables, our books
displayed before us. I was the only one to have business cards and book
marks. Another author brought home made cookies, something I wish I had
thought of. The other three sold one book each, but I didn't sell any. I did
hand out the book marks, and was surprised when the folks in the store
seemed surprised that I was giving something away. I guess they didn't
expect that, so at least I have something going for me. Maybe, if I had
given away free eats as well as book marks, I might have sold one. Oh well.
I'm a little disappointed, but honestly, no one really knows who I am, so I
shouldn't be bothered by it. There will be other signings. I did get to talk
to the other authors and the book store owner, and we all bounced ideas off
one another, which is always a good thing.
Just in case y'all are interested, I do have another book signing planned.
This one is going to be in Romney, WV at the Hampshire County Library on
Saturday, September 12 from 12PM to 2PM. I'll have my book, "Wild Heart" as
well as "Wild Heart" in audiobook and my children's book, "Gold! A Tall
Tale". For more info about "Wild Heart" check out my website
Soon, I will be creating a page dedicated strickly to my children's book,
but for now, here's the synopsis:
Imagine yourself on a wagon train, headed for California to pan for gold.
Now imagine your parents are taller than everyone else, and so are you. Now,
imagine that the animals can talk. Take a trip with Paw and Maw Bump and
their six children as they head West on the California Trail. And, just when
you think you know how the story will end, something extraordinary happens!
I'm thinking of having home made cookies or something similar, but I need to
talk with the folks at the library, first. Also, I may have a few freebies,
maybe some hand crocheted items just from me as a gift if you buy a book.
Who knows. September seems far away.
Well, time to get the girlies ready for evening church, so have to git.
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